Amaranth date cake 黑枣蒸苋菜籽. 很多年前,在一个农家乐饭馆吃过干苋菜蒸肉,当时就觉得奇香,跟老板打听了做法,一直没有机会做,因为没有干苋菜。 今年春天,在菜地里撒了一把红苋菜籽,满心期望能吃上红苋菜。几个月过去了,红苋菜只见发芽不见. 小的时候每次和妈妈去市场买菜,回来的路上经常能闻到飘香的枣糕味儿,妈妈一般都会买几块,刚好买完菜到家饿的时候可以吃。那时候的我虽然吃起一块儿来就不会停但还是觉得它不如西方的蛋糕点心精致。 When I studied at Beijing Language and Culture University, where close to Wu Dao Kou Universe Center. Amaranth is part of group of ancient grains that grows as a flower. You are overlooking Einkorn in your heritage grains list.
In addition, Amaranth is rich in calcium too, it is very suitable for children in their young development stage which helps the growth of teeth and bones! Видео 【简单素食汤】苋菜素食汤·Vegan Amaranth Soup
The Catholic Spaniards were particularly disturbed by the practice of mixing a little blood from human sacrifices into amaranth dough, baking it into cakes which were then broken up and eaten by the faithful.
Here is a new recipe involving crunchy amaranth combined with slightly tart lime to make.
You can Cook Amaranth date cake 黑枣蒸苋菜籽 using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Amaranth date cake 黑枣蒸苋菜籽
- Lets Go Prepare 1/2 cup of organic Amaranth.
- Lets Go Prepare 3/4 cup of water.
- Lets Go Prepare 1 teaspoon of sugar.
- Lets Go Prepare 10 of Black jujubes or 6 dates.
Parmi les nombreux légumes-feuilles consommés en Chine se trouvent plusieurs variétés d'amarante (le terme chinois générique pour la feuille d'amarante est 苋菜 [xiàncài]).
Amaranth date cake 黑枣蒸苋菜籽 step by step
- Measure 1/2 cup of Amaranth and pour the tiny seeds into a nice size bowl..
- Add 3/4 cup of water. (Ideally soak the seeds for a day and rinse with fresh water, however it is so challenging to handle seeds with this size, I simply skip it)..
- Steam it for 30 minutes in a steamer or the top basket come with Aroma rice cooker..
- After half an hour, arrange black jujubes or dates on top and steam for another 30 minutes. Serve warm or room temperature..